OFFLINE Ravenloft Dungeon Masters Guide: A Ravenloft Core Rulebook by Brian Campbell ipad book macbook how read kickass

OFFLINE Ravenloft Dungeon Masters Guide: A Ravenloft Core Rulebook by Brian Campbell ipad book macbook how read kickass

OFFLINE Ravenloft Dungeon Masters Guide: A Ravenloft Core Rulebook by Brian Campbell ipad book macbook how read kickass

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Book description
It is a land of days spent dreading the coming of the dark in a world ruled by horrors unimagined. It is a place of nights filled with terror. Yet, some hardy souls persevere in the struggle against evil. Though some may feel they have uncovered all there is to know about the world of Ravenloft, many secrets remain to be discovered. Now the classic Ravenloft game has its own Dungeon Masters guide, fully compatible with the new 3.5 Edition of Dungeons & Dragons! The Ravenloft Dungeon Masters Guide contains a wealth of vital information for your campaign. It offers ways to reshape the classes in the D&D Dungeon Masters Guide, provides tips on creating a properly horrific atmosphere for players, discusses ways to use Ravenloft in crossover games, contains delicious new magic items, prestige classes with alterations -- and much more!
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