OFFLINE Project Management in Libraries, Archives and Museums: Working with government and other external partners by Julie Carpenter book djvu fb2 free buy

OFFLINE Project Management in Libraries, Archives and Museums: Working with government and other external partners by Julie Carpenter book djvu fb2 free buy

OFFLINE Project Management in Libraries, Archives and Museums: Working with government and other external partners by Julie Carpenter

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Book description
Written by an experienced project manager, this much-needed guide addresses project management realities rather than business theories. It deconstructs the traditional project cycle model to address different approaches that take into account governmental contexts, especially operational procedures and accountability. Aimed at practitioners and managers, this book provides guidance on project management techniques for libraries, archives, museums and other cultural heritage organizations, focusing on how to manage projects involving public sector and other external partners. Specific coverage includes identifying staff selection and development, managing staff members, budgeting, and quality assurance techniques, as well as ways to use Web 2.0 and open source applications and the MS Office 2007 suite of tools.
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