OFFLINE Probulism: A Religion for the Rest of Us by I.M. Probulos download page djvu audio wiki

OFFLINE Probulism: A Religion for the Rest of Us by I.M. Probulos download page djvu audio wiki

OFFLINE Probulism: A Religion for the Rest of Us by I.M. Probulos download page djvu audio wiki

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Book description
This is very likely my most controversial book. The goal is to establish probability itself as a deity and Probulism as a religion. It’s not how we typically think of a deity and this is a very different religion. It is more of a deistic god; one that is not concerned about the daily affairs of humans. It would a religion for skeptics, scientists, free-thinkers, and atheists, agnostics, and secular humanists. I call the God of Probability, Probulos. No, I am not the God of Probability. Think of me as the messenger. Probulism would be a religion based on Probulos, the God of Probability. Probulism would have no dogma except to respect the laws of probability. Albert Einstein famously remarked in a 1926 letter to Max Born: “As I have said so many times, God doesnt play dice with the world.” My theory is that God is the dice. What could exist outside of space, time, energy and matter? The probability that space, time, energy and matter would come into existence. Probulos is the origin of every law of mathematics, physics, and nature. I compare and contrast Probulism with other religions and why I call it a religion. We examine the role of statistics and probability in our lives and how well it fits into a belief system based on science, reason, and the scientific method. This is a religion for those who do not have faith without evidence. It is a religion for the rest of us. Think of it as a thought experiment and a great topic for a free-thought discussion group. If you like the idea please contact me through my website ( and if you are interested in learning more do let me know. I hope to be posting YouTube videos soon so you will have more information on this fascinating topic and share it with your friends. I. M. Probulos.
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