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OFFLINE Play Dead by Avery Cockburn (Goodreads Author) iBooks portable prewiew online offline

OFFLINE Play Dead by Avery Cockburn (Goodreads Author) iBooks portable prewiew online offline

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Book description
The popular Scottish gay-romance series returns with this must-read novella!Colin’s wounds have finally healed. He’s ready for his big comeback on the football pitch and can’t wait to return to a normal life—especially the rampaging sex he and his boyfriend, Lord Andrew, once indulged in.But Andrew has his own invisible wounds. Each day the memories of that near-fatal attack tighten their grip on his mind. Yet he must stay strong for the man he loves, the man who almost died to save him.Colin knows something’s wrong. The more questions he asks, the more Andrew hides behind his aristocratic stiff upper lip. A surprise turn of events may give them the justice they crave, but will it be enough?When Andrew finally breaks down—in typically spectacular fashion—he must learn to trust like never before. And Colin must learn there’s more than one kind of strength.Because with a love as mad as theirs, there’s no such thing as normal.Note: Play Dead features the heroes of Playing to Win, but like all Glasgow Lads books, it may be read as a stand-alone story.
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