OFFLINE Plated: Weeknight Dinners, Weekend Feasts, and Everything in Between by Elana Karp flibusta touch library read get

OFFLINE Plated: Weeknight Dinners, Weekend Feasts, and Everything in Between by Elana Karp flibusta touch library read get

OFFLINE Plated: Weeknight Dinners, Weekend Feasts, and Everything in Between by Elana Karp flibusta touch library read get

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Book description

Book description
This cookbook was an interesting twist to me. The authors set up menu ideas and then the reader could then choose from the selections to make their own specific menu. They also provided a timeline of what preparations to do in what order. I really liked how they laid it out for an amateur like me. There were also a variety of quick rubs, dressings, and sauces that could be used at any time which I also thought was handy.I really liked how the recipes had seasonal substitutions that could be used. Where I live, in Upstate New York, not every fruit and vegetable are available as readily as in some southern areas of the country.Some of the recipes were DEFINITELY out of my wheel-house of abilities, but maybe some day when I am bolder and more skilled I will give them a try.My only critique is that not every recipe had a corresponding picture. While I realize that these are costly and not necessary for most cooks, for a lesser chef like myself, I NEED a picture of every dish so I know if Im close to doing the recipe justice or not. Just me and my needs ...I received a free copy of this book from the Blogging for Books for my honest review. The opinions expressed here are my own.
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