OFFLINE Pirates of the Poesasian by Chris Turner (Goodreads Author) download german via how read mobile

OFFLINE Pirates of the Poesasian by Chris Turner (Goodreads Author) download german via how read mobile

OFFLINE Pirates of the Poesasian by Chris Turner (Goodreads Author) download german via how read mobile

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Book description

Book description
A clash of swords and witsHero? Anti-hero? Hard to say in this controversial tale. A young, cocksure trickster, outlawed from his home fishing village, falls into the hands of ruthless pirates who would spill their friends’ blood over a cup of arrack. They scour the Poesasian coast looking for fresh plunder, possibly recruits to their foul band. The trickster must use every ounce of ingenuity to survive amidst these brigands, and along the way he gains allies—sorry rogues like himself—who in the course of finding their own path, help save his skin and unwittingly fight hand-in-hand in one of the fiercest ship-to-ship battles the Poesasian has ever seen!
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