OFFLINE Paper Puppet Palooza by Norma V. Toraya txt ibooks ipad

OFFLINE Paper Puppet Palooza by Norma V. Toraya txt ibooks ipad

OFFLINE Paper Puppet Palooza by Norma V. Toraya txt ibooks ipad

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Book description
Even today, with the proliferation of fancy electronics, computers, and video games, people are still enchanted by the simple, funny movement created by a flat, two-dimensional paper puppet; they are automatically, and inherently, amusing. This book teaches readers how to make a wide variety of moveable paper puppets, charming toys, and novel, artful gifts. The projects are beautiful, magical, whimsical and will appeal to readers with many different craft interests. There is something very childlike about puppets, yet they are not easily dismissed into something strictly ‘for children’. Paper puppets are versatile, easy to make, and can be used with many types of artwork such as on cards or in shadow boxes.
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