OFFLINE My Name is Gabito / Me llamo Gabito: The Life of Gabriel Garcia Marquez (English, Multilingual and Spanish Edition) by Monica Brown (Goodreads Author) fb2 bookstore tom book reading

OFFLINE My Name is Gabito / Me llamo Gabito: The Life of Gabriel Garcia Marquez (English, Multilingual and Spanish Edition) by Monica Brown (Goodreads Author) fb2 bookstore tom book reading

OFFLINE My Name is Gabito / Me llamo Gabito: The Life of Gabriel Garcia Marquez (English, Multilingual and Spanish Edition) by Monica

> READ BOOK > My Name is Gabito / Me llamo Gabito: The Life of Gabriel Garcia Marquez (English, Multilingual and Spanish Edition)

> ONLINE BOOK > My Name is Gabito / Me llamo Gabito: The Life of Gabriel Garcia Marquez (English, Multilingual and Spanish Edition)

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Book description

Book description
Can you imagine a shipwrecked sailor living on air and seaweed for eight days? Can you imagine a trail of yellow butterflies fluttering their wings to songs of love? Once, there was a little boy named Gabito who could. Gabriel Garcia Marquez is perhaps one of the most brilliant writers of our time. He is a tremendous figure, enormously talented, and unabashedly admired. This is his story, lovingly told, for children to enjoy. Using the imagery from his novels, Monica Brown traces the novelists life in this creative nonfiction picture book from his childhood in Colombia to today. This is an inspiring story about an inspiring life, full of imagination and beauty.
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