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Authors: Thea Palad, Tamra Orr and Vicki Panaccione, PhD Book is 112 pages. Version Read: 2008Glossary: YesFurther Reading/Link List: YesAimed At: Teen/YAReview: Well, it is appropriately named. There is minimal positive advice but astoundingly negative advice. The authors also try very hard to sound hip with the kids but even in 2008 when this was written the lingo and references were dated. (Like wanting a MySpace or talking on IM.)The use of exotic when referring to biracial in chapter 3 about natural hair (ie. the token black chapter) is never ok. Exotic is only ok when talking about destinations or food. In this same chapter one of their Get Healthy advice pieces at the end of a chapter is to go through pictures of your friends find their best features and legit report to them what they are or in their words, Compliment them. If my friends did this I would slap them.The use of health or healthy food choices to refer to beauty/having a full life is done throughout the book (yeah, we have value and full lives even if we are chronically ill and eat sh*t. Food is not moral FYI.) In fact at one point in paraphrase they say unhealthy shouldnt be associated fun. Sorry chemo Kimmy and Spoonie Joe your birthday is gonna suck. No dancing or cake for yall. Fun is off.Chapter 6 Carmen is one of the hot girls in a school but is referred to as sleazy because she flirts with whatever-the-hell-his-name-was. She also described as wearing short skirts and low tops. But at the end of the chapter our Dr. Vicki says, Hey flirt and crush away but dont try too hard or youll look like a whore (my paraphrase). We want whats-his-face to respect you. Hey, kids... your body image should NEVER DEPEND ON ATTRACTING SOMEONE ELSE! Ugh! Gender roles!If all this negative/patriarchal advice hadnt ruined the book for me already the chapter that sealed its fate for me was 7. I had a few double takes when reading... Essentially, if you do drugs and drink alcohol because it looks cool man you will puke, get addicted, get a disease and get raped. Raped?! SERIOUSLY?!Puke sure, maybe get a disease from a needle and addiction is a disease so that is covered but raped?! You know what causes rape? Not drugs. Not alcohol. Not even nude people posing is sexual positions. Rapists cause rape. Full stop. I dont care if this upsets the authors for calling them rape apologetics: teaching teens to victim blame is f*cked up!The questions they ask after telling a story about a teen at a party for older kids where the teen is roofied but her sister gets to her in time: Why doesnt SHE stop him? Uh... cause a rapists wanted to rape her by drugging her and she wasnt able to barely move. That is literally what a roofie does makes it impossible for someone to fight back.What can you do to protect yourself? Well, a damn good start would be teaching rapists not to rape and teaching victims that they are not at fault (ie we believe you) AND THAT IT IS NOT their responsibility to live a life of fear because rapists might pop outta their happy meal or at Joettes quinceanera that they were invited too. I mean damn... go back to the early 90s with that bs. Clearly you are comfortable there.I cant recommend this book unless it is to use it as a Things to NOT do when writing a body image book guide.
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