OFFLINE Kismet by Jakob Arjouni no registration doc spanish store book

OFFLINE Kismet by Jakob Arjouni no registration doc spanish store book

OFFLINE Kismet by Jakob Arjouni no registration doc spanish store book

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Book description
It all began with a favor. Kayankaya and Slibulsky were only trying to protect their friend Romario from his protectors, men who were demanding hard cash for the service. It ended with two bodies on the floor of Romarios restaurant, their faces covered in ghostly white makeup. Kayankaya is determined to track down their identities, when he realizes that he himself is being pursued by a faceless and utterly ruthless criminal gang. A new element has broken into the established order of Frankfurt gangland: battle-hardened Croatian nationalists. And when Kayankaya rescues Bosnian teenager Leila from a refugee hostel, the stakes get even higher. This thrilling, utterly captivating novel is the perfect fix for fans of literary noir.
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