OFFLINE Its a Jungle Out There: The Feminist Survival Guide to Politically Inhospitable Environments by Amanda Marcotte fb2 ibooks

OFFLINE Its a Jungle Out There: The Feminist Survival Guide to Politically Inhospitable Environments by Amanda Marcotte fb2 ibooks

OFFLINE Its a Jungle Out There: The Feminist Survival Guide to Politically Inhospitable Environments by Amanda Marcotte fb2 ibooks

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Book description
For all of you humming “I Will Survive” while watching the political debacles gracing the evening news, when getting an earful from your Limbaugh-loving brother-in-law, or as you’re ducking into the bathroom to avoid the date espousing the wisdom of those Mars versus Venus books, this book is for you.It’s a Jungle Out There gives all you smart, independent women out there the funny pranks, witty comebacks, and stalwart sources of strength you need in these trying times. With her tongue firmly in cheek and her middle finger stuck straight up in the air, Amanda Marcotte (of takes you on a tour through the perils that await any feminist who must navigate day-to-day life in the U.S., from the abstinence-only classrooms to the glass-ceiling of the office world.Drawing on her personal experiences of dealing with anti-feminists—from her years of blogging about feminism and living in the woman-unfriendly state of Texas—Marcotte brings her wit and distinct lack of patience to the topic of surviving while feminist. She doles out priceless advice along the way on how not only survive but also thrive, and even how to carve out a space for your feminist self in these oft-times hostile environments.
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