OFFLINE In the Land of Punctuation by Christian Morgenstern (Text) no registration download finder prewiew full

OFFLINE In the Land of Punctuation by Christian Morgenstern (Text) no registration download finder prewiew full

OFFLINE In the Land of Punctuation by Christian Morgenstern (Text) no registration download finder prewiew full

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Book description
Written in 1905 by the German poet Christian Morgenstern, In the Land of Punctuation is a darkly comic linguistic caprice that holds a resonant mirror to our times. Situated at the crossroads of language, design, and politics, this illustrated edition is a unique picture book for adults. Translated faithfully by Sirish Rao, with typographic illustrations by Rathna Ramanathan, this is a brilliantly inventive dance of text and image.The peaceful land of Punctuationis filled with tension overnightWhen the stops and commas of the nationcall the semi-colons ‘parasites’
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