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Karen Darke may be a champion paralympian and a doctor of geology, but as a writer she’s fairly terrible and as a rational human being she is a cautionary tale. What starts as a trauma memoir, charting her rehabilitation after a climbing accident results in a severed spinal cord, takes a bizarre left turn into spiritualism and pseudoscience in its second half, becoming a sad study of how desperate people may sometimes be more easily exploited by the promise of false hope. (what follows is a collection of informal messages relaying the narrative and my reflections on it to my girlfriend as I read the memoir) Geologist phd student Karen encounters someone who claims to be a dowser and almost correctly predicts the amount of gold in rocks in a test, and then shes off and away getting crystal healing for her spine and attending spiritualist centres channeling the dead. She’s like well, I have a background in science, but maybe all this other stuff is true because... QUANTUM MECHANICS??? She journeys to Brazil to find a man who channels the ghost of a German WWI doctor, and this ghost doctor also knows nuclear medicine and quantum mechanics because reasons. And shes like ‘he has a reputation of not using anesthetic and not even sterilising tools, but this book I read said his surgeries have cured millions of people, so he can probs cut me open and fix me’. One of the people in her group is there for surgery on a bad liver due to HEP C, and shes seen the ‘doctor’ not sterilise the equipment and even start a surgery with a blunt scalpel, yet her gut feeling is just go with it, even when he starts cutting into her lumbar region even though the injury is in the thoracic region. Of course there is no improvement, and ghost Dr Fritz is all like, oh yeah, you need multiple surgeries, come get another one. So she goes overseas and Dr Fritz cuts her up again and saying shell need at least two more psychic surgeries, the next on all up in her neck, and this time hes cutting into the area above the injured vertebra and Karen is not having as much fun. Also it should be mentioned that DR Fritz is a ghost who has possessed a series of brazilian people over the years, and also he has a team of medical professionals that he consults with on the psychic plain during surgeries one of them is an anesthesiologist which Im not sure why he needs that one cause hes not using aesthetics. I guess its important to make ghost doctors feel included? I do like how hes a WW1 ghost doctor with an anesthesiologist ghost doctor friend, as that implies that hes keeping up a level of ghost professional development and knows that aesthetics have advanced beyond just smother people with ether or chloroform since WW1.Anyway now hes hammering something metal into the vertebrae that he didn’t tell her about before the surgery and saying bleeding. stop. stop bleeding after having told her that the surgery isnt even necessary for the healing, it just helps the patient accept theyre being healed but he doesnt really need to cut to focus energy. Also one guy is like pls fix my poor distance vision so he sticks a scalpel in the eyeball, and is then like, put some gauze on that for a few weeks. And four days after a 5 inch incision with metal being hammered into her spine shes out cycling around a beach. Ive never recommended a life coach to anyone, but gosh it seems Karen needs someone with whom to check every decision she makes. And shes cycled all through the night to six AM, but its given her the epiphany that maybe she should stop cycling all day and night after surgeries, and maybe she shouldnt always push her body super hard and put herself in dangerous situations and maybe she should try be more balanced. Which is not a revelation of hey maybe I am always externally focused to stop myself dealing with my inner shit, its more a so i need to be more balanced in a hey I just busted my stitches open, maybe I shouldnt push my body to exertion every time I do a thing, hey maybe if I hadnt pushed it up to the point of exertion when climbing I may not have fallen.And that’s pretty much it. I was so hoping for her deferred pain to finally catch up with her, and her dealing with stuff instead of doing all her outdoorsy physically demanding travel activities to avoid dealing with her issues. Instead, after her shit epiphany of maybe push myself less she sets out on a three month kayak tour of Alaska. The memoir ends with her briefly noting that she did see the Brazian faith healer again, but the ghost doctor seemed to have left him and she didn’t get her neck opened. The surgeries never did anything to improve her condition, but shes thankful for the metaphysical door they opened into questioning reality. And she’s kind of proud of how strong she’s been in not seeing a councillor or psychologist since her accident. Karen decideds that everything that happens is gods will, and that no one can give her advice shes the only one who can choose her path, and that if the brain can rewire different parts after brain damage, maybe the spine can rewire through different areas without the cord and shes gonna keep fes cycling until the time is right for her to miraculously walk.
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