OFFLINE If You Can: How Millennials Can Get Rich Slowly by William J. Bernstein francais format tablet torrent book

OFFLINE If You Can: How Millennials Can Get Rich Slowly by William J. Bernstein francais format tablet torrent book

OFFLINE If You Can: How Millennials Can Get Rich Slowly by William J. Bernstein francais format tablet torrent book

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Book description
There is serious misinformation in this book. It does a great job summarizing key principles to financial success for the average person who does not have a plan. The problem is hurdle 5 claims the financial services industry wants to make you poor and stupid. The author states by the time you read the first four hurdles (12 pages of info) you will know more about finance than the average financial advisor or stockbroker. This is the most ludicrous statement I have ever read. It also STATES (as if fact) brokers are not skilled professionals, were not required to finish high school, and have no specialized education. As a financial advisor this is incredibly insulting and untrue. In the year 2015 with such a competitive job market good luck finding an advisor or broker without a college degree much less a high school one. I am sure one exists, somewhere, but that would far be an exception to the rule. Most people in this business graduate in a related field of study, if not finance specifically. As far as specific training goes, any individual in this business has to pass extremely intense certification exams to be certified to offer advice and make sales. A series 7 exam is comparable in difficulty and required study time to the bar exam. Its a 6 hour test. The fact this author states you can read his 12 pages of information and know more is simply not reasonable. He also claims the brokerage industry is not highly regulated. That could not be farther from the truth. If the average person walked through my office for a day and learned about all the compliance we have to maintain in order to keep our licenses they would be blown away. This is the most tightly regulated industry there is. Do you think the government turns a blind eye to all the personal information we have to protect? From experience, the answer is no.The author does a terrific job generalizing the entire industry as money hungry people only seeking to transfer your wealth to them. This fits popular media (wolf of Wall Street, Gordon gekko, etc.). The reality of what we do is help people preserve and grow their wealth through coaching and products that they otherwise would not have or understand.All people regardless of profession are compensated in exchange for providing value. If you dont provide value, you are no longer in business. Why is this industry still around? And why do so many wealthy people have a financial advisor? Are they wealthy because they are stupid? Maybe they are wealthy because they know how to delegate work and trust people to do the things they are not specialists at. Not everyone needs a financial advisor. But bashing a profession he either had a bad experience with or just doesnt understand is unprofessional of the author. And turning readers paranoid about seeking financial help could be harmful. Especially given the fact that statistically people are much more likely to achieve financial goals with a coach that holds them accountable than they are on their own.
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