OFFLINE I, Cthulhu, or, What’s a Tentacle-Faced Thing Like Me Doing in a Sunken City Like This (Latitude 47° 9′ S, Longitude 126° 43′ W)? by Neil Gaiman (Goodreads Author) apple francais wiki writer online

OFFLINE I, Cthulhu, or, What’s a Tentacle-Faced Thing Like Me Doing in a Sunken City Like This (Latitude 47° 9′ S, Longitude 126° 43′ W)? by Neil Gaiman (Goodreads Author) apple francais wiki writer online

OFFLINE I, Cthulhu, or, What’s a Tentacle-Faced Thing Like Me Doing in a Sunken City Like This (Latitude 47° 9′ S, Longitude 126°

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Book description

Book description
Creo que es de lo más divertido que he leído en mucho tiempo.Lástima que sea tan corto.Highlights:1. Cthulhu, they call me. Great Cthulhu. Nobody can pronounce it right.2. I was spawned uncounted aeons ago, in the dark mists of Khhaayngnaiih (no, of course I dont know how to spell it. Write it as it sounds), of nameless nightmare parents, under a gibbous moon. 3. I never knew my parents. My father was consumed by my mother as soon as he had fertilized her and she, in her turn, was eaten by myself at my birth. That is my first memory, as it happens. Squirming my way out of my mother, the gamy taste of her still in my tentacles.4. We are going out, said Hastur to me. Would you like to accompany us?We? I asked him. Whos we?Myself, he said, Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth, Nyarlathotep, Tsathogghua , Ia ! Shub Niggurath, young Yuggoth and a few others. You know, he said, the boys. (I am freely translating for you here, Whateley, you understand. Most of them were a-, bi-, or trisexual, and old Ia! Shub Niggurath has at least a thousand young, or so it says. That branch of the family was always given to exaggeration). We are going out, he concluded, and we were wondering if you fancied some fun.5.Of course its a true story, Whateley.Would black Cthulhu, who slimed out of the dark stars when your most eldritch nightmares were suckling at their mothers pseudomammaria, who waits for the time that the stars come right to come forth from his tomb-palace, revive the faithful and resume his rule, who waits to teach anew the high and luscious pleasures of death and revelry, would he lie to you?Sure I would.6. We had fun in those days, carnage and destruction, sacrifice and damnation, ichor and slime and ooze, and foul and nameless games. Food and fun. It was one long party, and everybody loved it except those who found themselves impaled on wooden stakes between a chunk of cheese and pineapple.7. You know what killed off the dinosaurs, Whateley? We did. In one barbecue.8.Suffice it to say that I possess not only their only collaborative novel (alternatively titled The What Ho! On The Threshold and Its the Call of Cthulhu, Jeeves ) but also fragments of their musical, Necronomicon Summer
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