OFFLINE How to Write a Book in 10 Days: 123 Quick Tips for Fast Non-fiction Self-Publishing by Mike Fishbein (Goodreads Author) value text macbook online eng

OFFLINE How to Write a Book in 10 Days: 123 Quick Tips for Fast Non-fiction Self-Publishing by Mike Fishbein (Goodreads Author) value text macbook online eng

OFFLINE How to Write a Book in 10 Days: 123 Quick Tips for Fast Non-fiction Self-Publishing by Mike Fishbein (Goodreads Author)

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How to Write a Nonfiction Book -- Fast! Writing is a great way to market your business, build your credibility and personal brand, earn passive income, make money online working from home, and improve your presentation and communication skills. Anyone can self-publish and it can be done at the time and location of your choice! Writing Tips: Overcome Writer’s Block and Write Books Readers Love Really Fast! How to Write a Book in 10 Days breaks down the writing process into three phases and provides actionable tips on improving your writing speed in all three. The three-phase process to writing is (1) determining what to write about given your goals and what readers actually want, (2) getting your thoughts from your head to words on your page, and (3) presenting the words in an engaging and effective way. How to Write Faster If you want to write well and write books that sell, you need to write fast. Writing is like a muscle, it gets stronger when you work it. Writing more books increases your chances of writing a successful book and enables you to get fast feedback so that you can iterate accordingly. Writing more books is one of the best ways to promote your existing books. The Self-Publishing Gold Rush Amazon has hundreds of millions of shoppers, with their credit card information stored, who can buy your book with one click. Self-publishing on Amazon is like putting an infinite number of copies of your book in the middle of the world’s largest bookstore! The Internet makes it less necessary to have a high-priced broker like a publisher. If a publisher needs you then you don’t need a publisher, and if you need a publisher then the publisher doesn’t need you. It takes very little time and costs zero dollars to self-publish on Amazon. It’s incredibly easy to do, and you can earn up to 70% of the royalties from your book, which is much more than you can earn with a traditional publisher A Letter From The Author People often ask me how I write high-quality books at such high speeds. I’ve written and self-published seven books as of this writing. Writing didn’t come naturally to me. I’ve experienced a lot of the challenges I’m going to tackle in this book firsthand. I never even thought I would enjoy writing so much, let alone make it a significant source of income. Self-publishing has been an amazing experience for me. It generates a significant amount of passive income. Self-publishing has also led me to high-priced consulting and speaking opportunities and press coverage. It’s made me a better thinker, presenter, and communicator. My books have boosted my professional credibility and attracted customers to my business. In addition, writing has become one of my biggest passions, so Im very excited to help my readers! And yes, I wrote this book in 10 days! I’m by no means an “expert” on writing (and you don’t have to be an “expert” on the topic of your book either!). I didn’t go to school for writing. I haven’t been writing for decades. The tips, strategies, tactics, and hacks contained within this book are what have helped me go from zero to writing a few blog posts to self-publishing seven books. I’m confident that if you practice these ideas, your writing speed and quality will increase tremendously.
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