OFFLINE Honeysuckle Hollow by Jennifer Moorman (Goodreads Author) online pdf shop ipad acquire

OFFLINE Honeysuckle Hollow by Jennifer Moorman (Goodreads Author) online pdf shop ipad acquire

OFFLINE Honeysuckle Hollow by Jennifer Moorman (Goodreads Author) online pdf shop ipad acquire

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Book description
Tessa Andrews believes she has her life all figured out, organized in carefully numbered lists to ensure she doesn’t make bad decisions. But her meticulous process is shaken when torrential rain hits Mystic Water for twenty-six hours, forty-four minutes, and two seconds, leaving parts of the town, and her condo, drowning in floodwater.While seeking a more permanent residence, Tessa temporarily moves into an empty apartment above the Borellis’ diner. Then she receives a package containing a set of tarnished keys belonging to the neglected historic mansion Honeysuckle Hollow, and a whole new set of troubles arise. When the Borellis’ prodigal son visits Mystic Water and wants to stay in the apartment, Tessa tosses her numbered lists aside and makes a surprisingly reckless decision: she uses her entire life savings to buy Honeysuckle Hollow. But this historic home has a few surprises of its own.Nearly everyone doubts Tessa’s sanity, but she finds unlikely support in an ancient Cherokee spear, a traveling mint plant, and a handsome architect on the run from his past. Will Honeysuckle Hollow outlast its naysayers and survive the town’s capricious weather? Will Tessa be able to save the house and finally learn to follow her heart? Filled with charm, unexpected twists, and just a touch of magic, Honeysuckle Hollow is an enchanting tale of listening to one’s heart, camping out indoors, and the difference acts of kindness can make.
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