OFFLINE Guarded by Carmen Fox (Goodreads Author) ios get prewiew itunes download

OFFLINE Guarded by Carmen Fox (Goodreads Author) ios get prewiew itunes download

OFFLINE Guarded by Carmen Fox (Goodreads Author) ios get prewiew itunes download

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Book description
When everyones existence depends on the lies they tell, trust doesnt come easy.Ivy’s neighbors have a secret. They aren’t human. But Ivy has a secret, too. She knows. As long as everyone keeps quiet, she’s happy working as a P.I. by day and chillaxing with her BFF Florian, a vampire, by night. When a routine pickup drops her in the middle of a murder, her two worlds collide. While Florian knows how to throw a punch, deep down hes a softie. His idea of scary? Running out of hair product. It’s time Ivy faced facts. Even with a vampire on stand-by, one gal can only kick so many asses.For help, she must put her faith in others. A human, who might just be the one. A demon, who will, for a price, open the doors to her heritage. And a werewolf, who wants to protect her from herself.Torn between these men, Ivy must tread carefully, because one wants her heart, one wants her body, and one wants her dead.
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