OFFLINE Gods and Fighting Men: The Story of the Tuatha De Danaan and the Fianna of Ireland by Lady Augusta Gregory how download online link reader read

OFFLINE Gods and Fighting Men: The Story of the Tuatha De Danaan and the Fianna of Ireland by Lady Augusta Gregory how download online link reader read

OFFLINE Gods and Fighting Men: The Story of the Tuatha De Danaan and the Fianna of Ireland by Lady Augusta Gregory how download

> READ BOOK > Gods and Fighting Men: The Story of the Tuatha De Danaan and the Fianna of Ireland

> ONLINE BOOK > Gods and Fighting Men: The Story of the Tuatha De Danaan and the Fianna of Ireland

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Book description

Book description
Gods and Fighting Men represents Lady Gregorys effort to gather the scattered, disparate tales of the Mythological and Finnian cycles of early Irish lore, and to present them in a more or less coherent format, much as she did with with Ulster cycle in her Cuchulain of Muirthemne. Unlike that earlier work, however, many of the stories included herein stand on their own, and this book therefore gives the impression of a miscellany rather than an epic. Gregorys priorities, as is well known, had less to do with dispassionate scholarship, and more to do with fashioning a national cultural heritage in the light of her support of an independent Irish state. As such, her focus is providing a literary treatment that is peculiarly Irish. To this reader in the early-21st century United States, her renditions have a peculiar flavor that is more idiosyncratic than lyrical or literary. Her stylized grammar tends to be somewhat opaque, and it doesnt always scan. Heres a sentence chosen nearly at random: And they were not long there till they saw a young man, quiet and with pleasant looks, coming toward them, and he wished them good health, and they answered him the same way. You can see theres a kind of loping quality to the construction that makes it a bit difficult to parse. Does it add to the poetic effect? Readers must judge for themselves, but I thought, not so much. My go-to edition for this material is Crosss Ancient Irish Tales, which is a bit closer, and a bit less mannered.
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