OFFLINE Glittering Promises by Lisa Tawn Bergren (Goodreads Author) no registration download finder prewiew full

OFFLINE Glittering Promises by Lisa Tawn Bergren (Goodreads Author) no registration download finder prewiew full

OFFLINE Glittering Promises by Lisa Tawn Bergren (Goodreads Author) no registration download finder prewiew full

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Book description
For Cora Kensington, the Grand Tour was to be the trip of a lifetime. She discovered the family she never knew she had and may have even found the love she longs for in Will. Yet her life has just become infinitely more challenging ...Hounded by the stubborn pursuit of Pierre de Richelieu and journalists chasing the beguiling story of the newest American heiress, Cora fights to remain true to her past, reconcile her present, and still embrace her future. But as Will struggles with her newfound wealth, Cora begins to wonder if their love is strong enough to withstand all that threatens to pull them apart.As she glimpses the end of the tour, Cora knows its time to decide who and what defines her ... and who and what does not.
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