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OFFLINE Getting It by Alex Sanchez (Goodreads Author) access review bookshop itunes free

OFFLINE Getting It by Alex Sanchez (Goodreads Author) access review bookshop itunes free

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Book description
He clicked on Queer Eye, a show where five gay dudes gave some grungy straight guy a makeover -- plucking his nose hairs, redecorating his apartment, and teaching him to bake a quiche -- so he could confidently propose marriage to his girlfriend and shed tell him yes. Which, of course, she did. On TV the guy always gets the girl. As Carlos watched, he recalled Sal, the supposedly gay guy at school. It was then that the idea first popped into his brain: If Sal truly were queer...could he possibly help Carlos?...Nor to propose to Roxy, of course -- at least not yet -- but to get her to maybe like him?
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