OFFLINE Gardening with the Goddess: Creating Gardens of Spirit and Magick by Patricia J. Telesco eng access direct link portable download

OFFLINE Gardening with the Goddess: Creating Gardens of Spirit and Magick by Patricia J. Telesco eng access direct link portable download

OFFLINE Gardening with the Goddess: Creating Gardens of Spirit and Magick by Patricia J. Telesco eng access direct link portable

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Book description

Book description
Patricia Trish Telesco is a professional author with more than 50 metaphysical titles on the market. Trish considers herself a kitchen witch whose love of folkore (and a bit of Strega) flavor every spell and ritual. Her strongest beliefs lie in following personal vision, being tolerant of other traditions, making life an act of worship, and being the magic! Trish travels minimally twice per month to give lectures and workshops around the country. She has appeared on several television segments and maintains a strong, visible presence in the public through journals like Circle Network News, and on the internet.Her current pet projects include supporting pagan land funds and coordinating spiritually oriented tours to Europe.Telesco began her Wiccan education and initiation on her own, but later received initiation into the Strega tradition of Italy. She is a trustee for the Universal Federation of Pagans, a member of the Authors Guild, a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism and a professional member of the Wiccan-Pagan Press Alliance.In March 2012 her husband, Paul Telesco, was diagnosed with a tumor on his brain stem. Since that time, Telesco has been focused on raising awareness and fund-raising
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