OFFLINE From Hurt to Happiness: Emotional Rescue from the Ground Up by Mike Van download mp3 fb2 iphone story

OFFLINE From Hurt to Happiness: Emotional Rescue from the Ground Up by Mike Van download mp3 fb2 iphone story

OFFLINE From Hurt to Happiness: Emotional Rescue from the Ground Up by Mike Van download mp3 fb2 iphone story

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Book description
Do you struggle in your relationships? Do your relationships have more hurt than happiness, and youre not sure why Do you want to find more happiness in your life as a whole? If you answered yes to any of these questions, From Hurt to Happiness is for you. When you meet author Mike Van today, you would never imagine the pain he experienced in his past. From fleeing a war ravaged country as a boy, to years of being bullied and finding himself on the brink of suicide at nineteen, to overcoming the lingering depression that plagued him from childhood.With heart-wrenching candor, Van shares his many challenges and the path he found to ultimately overcome them. He takes us inside his personal road to rebuilding his inner strength, his identity, and his life. These are trials we all may have experienced in one way or another.Through relaying his personal strife, Van shares the many pitfalls of relationships and the secrets to their success. In From Hurt to Happiness, he lays out the twenty-five secrets hes learned about connecting with people, how to get others to willingly comply to our needs, and why it can be a struggle being understood and accepted. Van gives readers the secrets that help replace the hurt in our lives and relationships so that happiness and joy can flourish.In From Hurt to Happiness, walks through Mike Vans path to transformation and joy, and gives readers the opportunity to find answers to improving their own relationships - and their life.Mike Van lives in Sydney, Australia. He hopes to see personal development such as conflict resolution taught in schools and to young adults - equipping our children and future leaders with the necessary tools to make positive differences for generations to come.
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