OFFLINE From Bricks to Brains: The Embodied Cognitive Science of Lego Robots by Michael R.W. Dawson mobi download free

OFFLINE From Bricks to Brains: The Embodied Cognitive Science of Lego Robots by Michael R.W. Dawson mobi download free

OFFLINE From Bricks to Brains: The Embodied Cognitive Science of Lego Robots by Michael R.W. Dawson mobi download free

> READ BOOK > From Bricks to Brains: The Embodied Cognitive Science of Lego Robots

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Book description

Book description
From Bricks to Brains introduces embodied cognitive science, and illustrates its foundational ideas through the construction and observation of LEGO Mindstorms robots.Discussing the characteristics that distinguish embodied cognitive science from classical cognitive science, From Bricks to Brains places a renewed emphasis on sensing and acting, the importance of embodiment, the exploration of distributed notions of control, and the development of theories by synthesizing simple systems and exploring their behaviour. Numerous examples are used to illustrate a key theme: the importance of an agentOCOs environment. Even simple agents, such as LEGO robots, are capable of exhibiting complex behaviour when they can sense and affect the world around them.
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