OFFLINE Flesh and Moonlight by Eric Del Carlo read itunes how read fb2 macbook

OFFLINE Flesh and Moonlight by Eric Del Carlo read itunes how read fb2 macbook

OFFLINE Flesh and Moonlight by Eric Del Carlo read itunes how read fb2 macbook

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Book description
The Bite changes Jill Machado’s life forever. Even as the handsome and sexy Mark Curtz tries to guide her into a secret Community of thropes, the dangerous rogue werewolf Vasha has other plans for Jill--and for all of humankind.With Mark as her new lover, along with others in the sexually free-swinging Community for company, Jill must face these new unexpected perils. Vasha will not rest until all the world has been changed into her kind by way of the Bite. The full moon is fast approaching, when Jill will first know the wild rapture of transformation. The fur will fly!Publishers Note:This book was previously released as Song of the Beast, but has been revised and re-edited for this version.
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