OFFLINE Five Acres and Independence: A Practical Guide to the Selection and Management of the Small Farm by Maurice Grenville Kains ipad view apple online thepiratebay

OFFLINE Five Acres and Independence: A Practical Guide to the Selection and Management of the Small Farm by Maurice Grenville Kains ipad view apple online thepiratebay

OFFLINE Five Acres and Independence: A Practical Guide to the Selection and Management of the Small Farm by Maurice Grenville Kains

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Book description
The title of my memoir will be Between Homestead and Home: The astonishing life of someone who quit manual labor and working the land to return to college and start working at jobs that paid sufficient money to provide food and shelter, yet never stopped thinking that growing things always made more sense and was far more rewarding in a spiritual sense if not in a material way (the astonishing part is pure marketing, although parts were pretty amazing).So this is another re-read. I carried this book around the country with me as I went from worksite to worksite, and my copy is dogeared and battered and the corner was gnawed off by paper wasps and just looking at this book now brings back decades of mixed emotions about these two extremes of my life.There is not an ounce of bad advice in this book, if you only have access to 1930s technology, and if you really want to achieve a depression-era standard of subsistence this book will get you there comfortably. I never really made a complete go of the Independence part of the title, but I got close enough to see that it was just possible. Thats why I keep this resource around; maybe someday I will need it again.
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