OFFLINE Filthy Boss by Penny Wylder (Goodreads Author) torrent via online free tablet

OFFLINE Filthy Boss by Penny Wylder (Goodreads Author) torrent via online free tablet

OFFLINE Filthy Boss by Penny Wylder (Goodreads Author) torrent via online free tablet

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Book description
Get ready to leave your panties at the door.The first thing Alyssa—my brand new secretary—said to me was that we needed to keep things...Professional.She acted like I was some wild animal. Like I might grope her in our first investor meeting. It infuriated me—not because she was wrong, no. She was right about me. I was definitely an animal.It just pissed me off that she thought she could tell me what to do.I was the boss.Not her.But fine. I tried to stop thinking about her long hair, her decadent curves, her intoxicating scent.And I could have stopped fantasizing about her.Until I found her fantasies.Alyssa has been writing about how much she wants a man to control her. A man who can make her kneel, beg, sweat and moan.A man like me.My secretary has a secret—one Im ready to use against her.Im about to see how professional she really wants to be.
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