OFFLINE Fearless Warriors by Drew Hayden Taylor download book pdf

OFFLINE Fearless Warriors by Drew Hayden Taylor download book pdf

OFFLINE Fearless Warriors by Drew Hayden Taylor download book pdf

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Book description
I often struggle with short stories - with the feeling that Im barely getting to know a character before my association with him or her is done - yet Taylor managed to pack so much into each of these narratives that I never felt my usual loss. Perhaps part of the reason is the way each story ends - right in the middle of the action, as though the story has continued but weve simply reached the end of what we can definitively know - but theres also a grace to the way he details the quirks and foibles of individual characters that helps build a really remarkable whole. In many ways there was nothing particularly new in these stories - the perspective on reserve life, on government schools, on untimely death, on the economics of living on Indian land, of religious conflict . . . all of these have been explored in other books by Native authors, and often in greater depth. Still, I enjoyed visiting Little Otter enormously, and particularly relished the couple of stories that were a new take on a complicated history - the boy who takes his life because his teacher tells him he cant be an astronomer, for example; the Oji-hawk wrestling with homophobia and grief as he tries to understand what happened to his father in Vietnam.Looking forward to reading Taylors other works.
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