OFFLINE Even the Slightest Touch Thunders on My Skin by Lorraine Gane read find phone selling value

OFFLINE Even the Slightest Touch Thunders on My Skin by Lorraine Gane read find phone selling value

OFFLINE Even the Slightest Touch Thunders on My Skin by Lorraine Gane read find phone selling value

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Book description
In the early 90s, Lorraine Ganes fiance was diagnosed with inoperable cancer, dying nine months later during a bone marrow operation in New York City. This first collection of poems chronicles her journey through doctor offices and hospitals, but also reveals through dreams and monologue a deeper response to the death and its aftermath. Her intense, sometimes stark, but consistently sharp voice moves the text through an intimate story of love, loss and renewal. In a series of linked prose poems using elements from ancient myth (Descent: Crossing the Dream), she takes the reader into a archetypal world of grief and dissolution, exploring territory rarely attempted in poetic narrative. The final sequences show a fine lyrical sensibility in which Ganes loss is transcended into such a state of grace where nothing matters but the heart that continues its wild beat searching for the skull of its birth. The result is a powerful memorial that helps us navigate our own losses and the deeper dimensions beyond our pain and mortality.
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