OFFLINE Diplomacy and Murder in Tehran: Alexander Griboyedov and Imperial Russias Mission to the Shah of Persia by Laurence Kelly free mp3 djvu pdf epub

OFFLINE Diplomacy and Murder in Tehran: Alexander Griboyedov and Imperial Russias Mission to the Shah of Persia by Laurence Kelly free mp3 djvu pdf epub

OFFLINE Diplomacy and Murder in Tehran: Alexander Griboyedov and Imperial Russias Mission to the Shah of Persia by Laurence Kelly

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Book description
In this first biography of Alexander Griboyedov in English, Laurence Kelly paints a vivid picture of a man of remarkable literary talent and diplomatic gifts that were nevertheless overshadowed by ill-fortune. Involved in the 1825 Decembrist plot to overthrow the Tsarist state and the mission to further Russias expansionist agenda in the Caucasus, the famous writer was eventually murdered by zealous mobs in Tehran. This book makes an invaluable contribution to the diplomatic history of Russia, the Caucasus and Iran at the same time illuminating the life and works of a writer who was among ninteenth-century Russias most respected and prominent writers.
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