OFFLINE Deeper Into the Word: Old Testament: Reflections on 100 Words from the Old Testament by Keri Wyatt Kent ios original read iBooks find

OFFLINE Deeper Into the Word: Old Testament: Reflections on 100 Words from the Old Testament by Keri Wyatt Kent ios original read iBooks find

OFFLINE Deeper Into the Word: Old Testament: Reflections on 100 Words from the Old Testament by Keri Wyatt Kent ios original read

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Book description
Translators have done their best to render the words of the Bible into English, but capturing the nuances of the ancient languages is an inexact science. Kent gives readers an opportunity to investigate the roots and biblical context of the words within the Word.Deeper into the Word: Old Testament is a fascinating devotional, but it can also be used as an accessible reference tool, as it explores one hundred of the most important words of the Old Testament. Kent unpacks each words Hebrew origins, shows how it is used in the Bible, and offers insights into its significance in our lives.
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