OFFLINE Cyber Hero - A Campaign Book for the Hero System by Michael Fine epub online free

OFFLINE Cyber Hero - A Campaign Book for the Hero System by Michael Fine epub online free

OFFLINE Cyber Hero - A Campaign Book for the Hero System by Michael Fine epub online free

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Book description
Cyber Hero is the Hero System campaign supplement to the near dark future of cyberpunk science fiction. Cyber Hero provides everything needed to play in the grim reality of a world where the rich get richer and the poor slip into oblivion. Cyber Hero provides: A fully developed cyberpunk setting: Timelines, scenarios, suggestions for adventures, package deals, special combat rules, extensive equipment lists, and pre generated characters. Suggestions for creating your own cyberpunk setting and for handling the power level of a cyberpunk campaign from heroic to superpowered. Detailed guidelines for handling use and abuse of cybernetics Comprehensive rules governing the Cyberspace Net Material showing how to make the genres equipment
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