OFFLINE Cross-Talk in Comp Theory: A Reader by Victor Villanueva (Editor) iBooks full version book phone itunes

OFFLINE Cross-Talk in Comp Theory: A Reader by Victor Villanueva (Editor) iBooks full version book phone itunes

OFFLINE Cross-Talk in Comp Theory: A Reader by Victor Villanueva (Editor) iBooks full version book phone itunes

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Book description
Im returning to this text after a number of years. I was initially assigned this text for a composition pedagogy course, and got very little from it. I was still learning the basics of teaching, and most of the conversation was of little help to me. However, after years of teaching, I got a great deal more out of it, particularly the more practical, first half of the book. The book is intended to be, and is, a survey of the various debates that have occurred within the field of writing studies over the year. It is broken up into six sections, covering the writing process, discourse, cognition, social context, and identity. As the text moves on, it increasingly focuses on the internal debates that occur in the discipline, a set of conversations still not as interesting to me, but overall, it provides many useful incites to those teaching composition.
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