OFFLINE Complete Detox Workbook: 2-Day, 9-Day and 30-Day Makeovers to Cleanse and Revitalize Your Life by Christina Scott-Moncrieff ebook value german book pc

OFFLINE Complete Detox Workbook: 2-Day, 9-Day and 30-Day Makeovers to Cleanse and Revitalize Your Life by Christina Scott-Moncrieff ebook value german book pc

OFFLINE Complete Detox Workbook: 2-Day, 9-Day and 30-Day Makeovers to Cleanse and Revitalize Your Life by Christina Scott-Moncrieff

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Book description

Book description
Every day were bombarded with chemicals that can damage or irritate our bodies. Complete Detox Workbook is the solution, offering a fast, effective path to maximum health and well-being. Just take the simple questionnaire to pinpoint the perfect program for you, whether its a gentle monthlong cleansing, weekend energizer, or strategies to increase vitality, aid weight loss, and relieve stress. Then enhance the plan and boost its good effects with meditation, visualization, herbs, supplements, exercise, and hydrotherapy. Its a great way to rejuvenate body, mind, and soul.
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