OFFLINE Captive: The Moncrief Legends (Book 2) by Carol Sabel Blodgett view spanish free francais itunes

OFFLINE Captive: The Moncrief Legends (Book 2) by Carol Sabel Blodgett view spanish free francais itunes

OFFLINE Captive: The Moncrief Legends (Book 2) by Carol Sabel Blodgett view spanish free francais itunes

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Book description
Roe. She thinks this is the end. She has no idea what she’s started. She thinks she killed me. She thinks she’s in the clear and free to play house with Seth, though against his will. She thinks he’ll cave and give her what she wants. She thinks she’s got all the time in the world, but I have news for her. She’s as good as finished; she just doesn’t know it yet. I have my work cut out for me, that’s true enough, but I’m definitely up for the task. It’s the only way to fix what’s broken and reconcile the past, while saving my future with Seth. I have to get moving. I have to leave this quiet ditch in the country, that should’ve been my grave, and abandon Spain for parts as yet unknown. I have to find the place where my help resides. He’s there, hidden from time, hidden from the world, but I know he’s not dead as the rest of the planet presumes. Erica. The very sound of her name irritates me. She’s nothing, not anymore, that is. She’s dead and I’m the one responsible. I’m proud of this. Seth’s upset with me, but he’ll get over it. He got over a dead wife, he’ll get over a dead girlfriend. It’s nothing. She was nothing. He has me, and I’ve always been here, he’s just not appreciated me as he should have, but he’s going to. I should’ve done this a long time ago. Taken charge. Made him mine rather than try to suggest and manipulate. I would’ve saved myself hundreds of years of aggravation. But we’re together now and he’ll have to see that this is the way things were meant to be. We’re the same, Seth and I; vicious and insatiable. I’ll have to remind him of these things, but that will be the fun part. We have all the time in the world. *Picking up where Wanderer left off, Erica finds herself none the worse for wear, ready to take back whats hers and end the creature responsible for her death and the abduction of her loved one; Seth. Seth, believing Erica is dead, fights on in her honor and resists the demon holding him captive with all his might. Regardless of their efforts, time is running short for the star-crossed lovers and their friends against the evil that stalks them all.
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