OFFLINE Bountiful Women: Large Womens Secrets for Living the Life They Desire by Bonnie Bernell book djvu fb2 free buy

OFFLINE Bountiful Women: Large Womens Secrets for Living the Life They Desire by Bonnie Bernell book djvu fb2 free buy

OFFLINE Bountiful Women: Large Womens Secrets for Living the Life They Desire by Bonnie Bernell book djvu fb2 free buy

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Book description

Book description
While reportedly half of the women in this country wear size fourteen and above, we do not see large women in that proportion. Where are they? Bountiful Women is a celebratory book about the strategies large women have developed for handling embarrassing or challenging situations such as confronting a tight squeeze on an airplane seat or handling judgmental comments about their size. While encouraging women to take good care of their bodies with exercise and healthy food, Bonnie Bernell counsels large women to start living now and not wait until they are thin enough to be out in the world, doing the things they long to do. Dozens of women offer their personal stories in this book, with practical ideas, true stories, and hands-on advice.
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