OFFLINE Bold Tricks by Karina Halle (Goodreads Author) wiki book find txt online

OFFLINE Bold Tricks by Karina Halle (Goodreads Author) wiki book find txt online

OFFLINE Bold Tricks by Karina Halle (Goodreads Author) wiki book find txt online

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3 NO SPOILERS…UNLESS YOU CLICK ON THE SPOILERS LINK BELOW STARS(view spoiler)[I feel….unsatisfied. And that’s NOT what a girl wants to feel, right ladies???I felt myself wanting to love Camden because Ellie loves Camden. In the end, I don’t know why Ellie chose Camden, and that has nothing to do with Camden….it has to do with Ellie. She was so torn between the two men in the previous book. I don’t understand the process of choosing Camden…because there wasn’t a process at all. It was just like….”ok, Camden, it is!” I feel like Karina wanted me to hate Javier so she made him even more mean and nasty….but I don’t think she truly grasps how dark I love my men. I like ‘em DARK AND TWISTED. Everything he said and did made me love him even more. He’s pretty much my perfect man. LOL!My favorite parts of the book, and the only parts I highlighted, were when Javier was speaking or doing anything.Here’s a thought….What if Javier wasn’t in the picture at all? I think I would have enjoyed Camden more. He may not have been my favorite still, but it’s when you put him beside Javier that Camden pales in comparison.Also, why couldn’t Javier have gotten his cartel???!!! That would have been an awesome HEA for him. I would have been like…”Awww, good for him.” But his ending was kinda lame.Team Javier forever, bitches. (hide spoiler)]
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