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“LeMasters’ book is a valuable and popularly written source of information on the attitudes of working class men and women. Highly recommended.”—Library JournalBlue-Collar Aristocrats is a major statement about a group of Americans too little understood and too long ignored by by the countrys decision- and policy-makers. Thanks to the work of E. E. LeMasters, we now have a rare and human insight into the lives, feelings, attitudes, and problems of Americas blue-collar aristocrats—one that has the potential both to add to our knowledge and to contribute toward solutions to some of our nations broadest social problems.“LeMasters has given us a brilliant sketch of what the well-developed unions have created—the average American. He’s great.”—West Coast Review of BooksThis is not a dry sociogram. The quality of life of these people comes with the smell of smoke and beer, the sounds of boisterous laughter above a blaring juke box and the clicking of the pool balls.—New York Times
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