OFFLINE Beginners Guide to Quilting: 16 Projects to Learn to Quilt by Liz Betts (Goodreads Author) download acquire full version book no registration

OFFLINE Beginners Guide to Quilting: 16 Projects to Learn to Quilt by Liz Betts (Goodreads Author) download acquire full version book no registration

OFFLINE Beginners Guide to Quilting: 16 Projects to Learn to Quilt by Liz Betts (Goodreads Author) download acquire full version

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Book description
Learn how to make beautiful quilts with this comprehensive guide to patchwork and quilting for beginners. Covers all aspects of quilting from piecing and applique to quilting and binding. Choose from 16 simple projects, each focusing on a different technique, from bags and cushions to table mats, wall hangings and bed quilts. Clear illustrations and step-by-step instructions accompany each project, making them all suitable for even a complete novice. The book also includes a quilting glossary explaining common quilting and sewing terms.
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