OFFLINE Australia & New Zealand on a Shoestring by Lonely Planet review link english torrent book

OFFLINE Australia & New Zealand on a Shoestring by Lonely Planet review link english torrent book

OFFLINE Australia & New Zealand on a Shoestring by Lonely Planet review link english torrent book

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Book description
Australia and New Zealand are both on the well-trodden backpackers path, and many young, long-haul travelers go straight from one to the other. Tourism numbers to both countries reflect annual increases (WTO). This is the only guidebook covering Australia and New Zealand together. It is written by an experienced team of local authors and specialist contributors and includes all the practical information needed for big trips on small budgets; a new Highlights section for quick itinerary planning and comprehensive coverage of the best budget buys in transport, accommodation, food and entertainment. Lonely Planets 25 years of publishing expertise in Australia and New Zealand is unmatched by any competitor.
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