OFFLINE Aurora Vol. 4 by Machiko Satonaka full version via no registration ipad free

OFFLINE Aurora Vol. 4 by Machiko Satonaka full version via no registration ipad free

OFFLINE Aurora Vol. 4 by Machiko Satonaka full version via no registration ipad free

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Book description
Debut in 1964 with Pia no Shouzou on Shoujo Friend with which she won the 1964 Koudansha New Face Cartoon Award. Classic Shoujo-mangaka. Satonaka has become a TV celebrity and appeared many times on TV quiz shows.In 1974, she took the Koudansha Publishing Culture Award with Shining Tomorrow (Ashita Kagayaku) and There Goes the Princess (Hime ga Yuku); the Koudansha Cartoon Award in 1980 with The Hunters Constellation (Kariudo no Seiza). She serves as an Executive Director of the Japan Cartoonists Association.Taken from this site:
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