OFFLINE Augustine of Hippo: A Biography by Peter R.L. Brown without registering shop pdf torrent read

OFFLINE Augustine of Hippo: A Biography by Peter R.L. Brown without registering shop pdf torrent read

OFFLINE Augustine of Hippo: A Biography by Peter R.L. Brown without registering shop pdf torrent read

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Book description
This classic biography was first published thirty years ago and has since established itself as the standard account of Saint Augustines life and teaching. The remarkable discovery recently of a considerable number of letters and sermons by Augustine has thrown fresh light on the first and last decades of his experience as a bishop. These circumstantial texts have led Peter Brown to reconsider some of his judgments on Augustine, both as the author of the Confessions and as the elderly bishop preaching and writing in the last years of Roman rule in north Africa. Browns reflections on the significance of these exciting new documents are contained in two chapters of a substantial Epilogue to his biography (the text of which is unaltered). He also reviews the changes in scholarship about Augustine since the 1960s. A personal as well as a scholarly fascination infuse the book-length epilogue and notes that Brown has added to his acclaimed portrait of the bishop of Hippo.
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