OFFLINE Ashes of the Unspeakable by Franklin Horton price tom view online macbook

OFFLINE Ashes of the Unspeakable by Franklin Horton price tom view online macbook

OFFLINE Ashes of the Unspeakable by Franklin Horton price tom view online macbook

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Book description
Jim and his group are still struggling to reach home. While just a few days have passed since the initial attack, the group finds that their country is quickly descending into a vicious, chaotic landscape where nothing comes easy. While they fight to close the distance between them and their loved ones, they cannot avoid the steadily growing number of people who have realized that they can get away with whatever they want in a world where there are no longer any legal consequences for their actions. At home, Jims family is basically forced into lockdown after a local jail discharges its starving inmates, leading to the arrival of new, extremely violent presence in their valley. The stranger sets his sights on driving other families from their homes and taking what they own. As Jim races home, his wife Ellen struggles to keep her family safe, while each night a neighbor’s home is burned to the ground.
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