OFFLINE Archaeology: The Key Concepts by Colin Renfrew (Editor ) txt ibooks iphone

OFFLINE Archaeology: The Key Concepts by Colin Renfrew (Editor ) txt ibooks iphone

OFFLINE Archaeology: The Key Concepts by Colin Renfrew (Editor ) txt ibooks iphone

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Book description
Archaeology: The Key Concepts is an invaluable resource, providing an up-to-date and comprehensive survey of key ideas in archaeology and their impact on archaeological thinking and method. Entries include: * thinking about landscape. * archaeology of cult and religion. * cultural evolution. * concepts of time. * urban societies. * the Antiquity of Man. * archaeology of gender. * feminist archaeology. * experimental archaeology. * multiregional evolution. Each entry offers a definition of the term, explaining its origin and development, and any major figures involved, as well as a guide to further reading and extensive cross-referencing. This book is a superb guide for anyone studying, teaching or with an interest in archaeology.
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