OFFLINE An Informal Christmas by Heather Gray (Goodreads Author) txt ebay pdf direct link online

OFFLINE An Informal Christmas by Heather Gray (Goodreads Author) txt ebay pdf direct link online

OFFLINE An Informal Christmas by Heather Gray (Goodreads Author) txt ebay pdf direct link online

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Book description
Rylie Durham is used to dealing with all sorts of people and situations in her role as a Child Life Specialist at a local hospital. Why, then, does Zach York bring out the worst in her? After all, hes there to donate toys to the children she loves.Could it be that she sees a kindred spirit in him? Rylie knows a thing or two about hiding a bruised heart from the world... and the danger inherent in blaming God for the hurt.With Decembers approach, Rylie enlists Zachs help for a special undertaking -- a Christmas formal for one of the pediatric units. As they work together on the project, she hopes to show him that, even when its painful, love is worth the risk...
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