OFFLINE A Soul Remembers Hiroshima by Dolores Cannon macbook online ebook review look

OFFLINE A Soul Remembers Hiroshima by Dolores Cannon macbook online ebook review look

OFFLINE A Soul Remembers Hiroshima by Dolores Cannon macbook online ebook review look

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Book description
The persistent memory of a horrible death, that reached across time and space, and caused a 22 year old American girl to seek past-life therapy, revealed the dramatic story of a Japanese man who was killed in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. There have been many stories of pain, death and destruction told by survivors of the Hiroshima bombing. This is the eyewitness account of one who did not survive!This case revealed startling information about the Japanese side of the war. Research into the bombing also revealed terrible truths that the public was not aware of at the time of this dramatic ending of World War II.
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