OFFLINE A Not-So-Perfect Past by Beth Andrews (Goodreads Author) ebay download pc book look

OFFLINE A Not-So-Perfect Past by Beth Andrews (Goodreads Author) ebay download pc book look

OFFLINE A Not-So-Perfect Past by Beth Andrews (Goodreads Author) ebay download pc book look

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Book description
Nina Carlson knows all about Dillon Ward. Knows he served time in prison. Knows nobody put out the welcome mat when he moved to Serenity Springs. But that doesnt stop her from renting him a place to live. And when someone crashes into her bakery, hes just the man to fix the damage.And Nina isnt the only one who thinks Dillons the perfect man for the job: her two kids have taken a shine to him. Still, she cant afford to get close to Dillon, even if he is tempting her to toss out her good-girl shoes. Because its not that she doesnt trust him. Its that she doesnt trust herself.
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