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Book description
Christmas 2011This is probably the most emotional short story I have ever read by Tiffany! I dont know if its my hormones or not, but I just kept tearing up near the ending. It was sad tears and happy tears. I honestly could not control myself.This short story is sort of a continuation from Seven Day Loan. It is the story of Daniel and Anya. They are living together and spending Christmas together as well. Daniel ends up hurting Anyas feelings Christmas Eve and while he tries to sleep it off, he gets a visit from his dead wife. It is a play on A Christmas Carol with the ghosts and seeing the past and future sort of thing. So, Maggie, his deceased wife shows him how life would have been if she didnt die, and how his life could be if he marries Anya.I was so glad Tiffany wrote this story. I dont know why. There wasnt that much kink in it and I was totally okay with that. I loved it. It can be read for free on Tiffanys website!
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