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Nude Teen 10 12


Male student grabbed teen's private parts, asked 10-year-old boy to send nude pictures of himself
Posted on 18 December 2018 | 6,081 views | 4 comments
Shaffiq Alkhatib
The Straits Times
Dec 17, 2018
But their meet-ups soon turned into nightmare for the boy. The older teen, who was 17 at the time, molested him frequently by grabbing his private parts.
Despite being confronted by the victim's friends, the offender managed to get away.
And he soon set his sight on a second victim - a 10-year-old boy. He repeatedly harassed the child to send nude pictures of himself but was rejected.
This time, however, the teen was caught after the child's mother came across the text messages that he had sent to her son.
On Monday (Dec 17), the offender, now 18, pleaded guilty to one count each of molestation and sexual exploitation of a child. He cannot be named due to a gag order to protect his victims' identities.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Nicholas Lai told the court that the offender first met the 13-year-old boy at a school camp in January last year, but lost contact with him and reconnected at a barbecue event seven months later. They frequently hanged out at the younger boy's home.
But the older teen started molesting the boy later that year.
On Jan 5 this year, the victim told his senior school mates about his ordeal and they decided to confront the offender.
The older teen was waiting for the boy at the latter's home when the group turned up to confront him.
The offender called the police hotline, claiming that he had been assaulted and managed to run away.
Court documents did not state what happened following the call to the police hotline.
Soon after, the teenager befriended the 10-year-old boy as they were in the same student care programme.
On March 21, he started sending the boy text messages, asking him to send nude pictures of himself.
DPP Lai told District Judge May Mesenas: "The victim replied 'no' and did not do what the accused asked of him. For the next few days, the accused continued to harass the victim by asking him to send these photos to him.
"At one point, the accused even offered the victim $10 to have a video call with him, for the victim to show the accused his private parts. The victim continued to reject the accused's requests."
The boy's mother saw the text messages on March 27 and alerted her son's school. She also took her son to a neighbourhood police centre to lodge a report.
On Monday, Judge Mesenas called for a report to assess the offender's suitability for probation. He will be back in court on Jan 7.
For molestation, he can be jailed for up to five years and fined or caned. First-time offenders convicted of sexually exploiting a child can be jailed for up to five years and fined up to $10,000.
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"Penis length" and "Small penis" redirect here. For differences in penis length among non-human species, see Penis § In different animals. For the medical term, see Micropenis.
Human penises vary in size on a number of measures, including length and circumference when flaccid and erect. Besides the natural variability of human penises in general, there are factors that lead to minor variations in a particular male, such as the level of arousal, time of day, room temperature, anxiety level, sport activity and frequency of sexual activity. Compared to other primates, including large examples such as the gorilla, the human penis is thickest, both in absolute terms and relative to the rest of the body.
Measurements vary, with studies that rely on self-measurement reporting a significantly higher average than those with a health professional measuring. As of 2015, a systematic review of 15,521 men, and the best research to date on the topic, as the subjects were measured by health professionals, rather than self-measured, has concluded that the average length of an erect human penis is 13.12 cm (5.17 inches) long, while the average circumference of an erect human penis is 11.66 cm (4.59 inches).[1] Flaccid penis length can sometimes be a poor predictor of erect length.
Most human penis growth occurs between infancy and the age of five, and between about one year after the onset of puberty and, at latest, approximately 17 years of age.[2]
A statistically significant correlation between penis size and the size of other body parts has not been found in research. Some environmental factors in addition to genetics, such as the presence of endocrine disruptors, can affect penis growth. An adult penis with an erect length of less than 7 cm (2.8 in), but otherwise formed normally, is referred to in medicine as a micropenis.
While results vary slightly across reputable studies, the consensus is that the mean human penis, when erect, is in the range 12.9–15 cm (5.1–5.9 in) in length.[3][4][5]
A 2015 systematic review published by Veale et al. of medical research on the topic over the previous 30 years published in BJU International showed similar results, giving mean flaccid, stretched non-erect, and erect lengths of 9.16 cm, 13.24 cm, and 13.12 cm respectively, and mean flaccid and erect circumferences of 9.31 cm and 11.66 cm respectively. Erect lengths in the included studies were measured by pushing the pre-pubic fat pad to the bone, and flaccid or erect girth (circumference) was measured at the base or mid-shaft of the penis.[1]
One study (published in 1996) found the mean flaccid penis length to be 3.5 inches (8.9 cm) (measured by staff).[3] A review of several studies found average flaccid length to be 9–10 cm (3.5–3.9 in).[6] Length of the flaccid penis does not necessarily correspond to length of the erect penis; some smaller flaccid penises grow much longer, while some larger flaccid penises grow comparatively less.[7]
The penis and scrotum can contract involuntarily in reaction to cold temperatures, anxious or nervous level and participation in sports.[8] This decrease of flaccid penis size is referred to by the slang term "shrinkage", due to action by the cremaster muscle. The same phenomenon affects cyclists and exercise bike users, with prolonged pressure on the perineum from the bicycle saddle and the straining of the exercise causing the penis and scrotum to contract involuntarily. An incorrect saddle may ultimately cause erectile dysfunction (see crotch pressure for more information).
Neither age nor size of the flaccid penis accurately predicted erectile length. Stretched length has correlated with erect length in some cases.[3] However, studies have also shown drastic differences between stretched and erect length.[9] One study found that a minimal tension force of approximately 450 g during stretching of the penis was required to reach a full potential erection length. this study also found that tension forces exerted in this study by the urologist were shown to be significantly (P<0.01) lower than 450g.[10] This may account for differences between stretched and erect length.
Scientific studies have been performed on the erect length of the adult penis. Studies that have relied on self-measurement, including those from Internet surveys, consistently reported a higher average length than those that used medical or scientific methods to obtain measurements.[5][13]
The following staff-measured studies are composed of different subgroups of the human population (in other words, specific age range or race; selection of those with sexual medical concerns or self-selection) that could cause a sample bias.[13][14]
Similar results exist regarding studies of the circumference of the adult fully erect penis, with the measurement usually taken mid-shaft.[6] As with length, studies that relied on self-measurement consistently reported a significantly higher average than those with staff measuring. In a study of penis size where measurements were taken in a laboratory setting, the average penis circumference when erect was 11.66 cm (4.59 inches).[1]
The average stretched penile length at birth is about 4 cm (1.6 in), and 90% of newborn boys will be between 2.4 and 5.5 cm (0.94 and 2.17 in). Limited growth of the penis occurs between birth and 5 years of age, but very little occurs between 5 years and the onset of puberty. The average size at the beginning of puberty is 6 cm (2.4 in) with adult size reached about 5 years later. W.A. Schonfeld published a penis growth curve in 1943.[20]
Authors of a paper reviewing research on area of penis sizes conclude that "flaccid penile length is just under 4 cm (1.6 in) at birth and changes very little until puberty, when there is marked growth."[2][6]
Age is not believed to negatively correlate with penis size. "Individual research studies have... suggested that penis size is smaller in studies focusing on older men, but Wylie and Eardley found no overall differences when they collated the results of various studies [over a 60 year period]."[6]
A 2015 review of the literature found two studies finding height and stretched or flaccid length to be moderately correlated, seven studies finding weak correlation for flaccid, stretched, or erect length, and two studies that found no correlation between flaccid length and height.[1]
One study investigated the relationship with digit ratio and found that men with longer ring fingers than index fingers had slightly longer penises.[21][22] However, the common misconception that hand size predicts penis size has been widely discredited.[23][24]
A statistically significant correlation between penis size and the size of other body parts has not been found in research. One study, Siminoski and Bain (1988), found a weak correlation between the size of the stretched penis and foot size and height; however, it was too weak to be used as a practical estimator.[25] Another investigation, Shah and Christopher (2002), which cited Siminoski and Bain (1988), failed to find any evidence for a link between shoe size and stretched penis size, stating "the supposed association of penile length and shoe size has no scientific basis".[26][27]
There may be a link between the malformation of the genitalia and the human limbs. The development of the penis in an embryo is controlled by some of the same Hox genes (in particular HOXA13 and HOXD13)[28] as those that control the development of the limbs. Mutations of some Hox genes that control the growth of limbs cause malformed genitalia (hand-foot-genital syndrome).[29]
The belief that penis size varies according to race is not supported by scientific evidence.[6][30] A 2005 study reported that "there is no scientific background to support the alleged 'oversized' penis in black people".[31]
A study of 253 men from Tanzania found that the average stretched flaccid penis length of Tanzanian males is 11 cm (4.53 inches) long, smaller than the worldwide average, stretched flaccid penis length of 13.24 cm (5.21 inches), and average erect penis length of 13.12 cm (5.17 inches).[32]
A recent 2016 study of 248 Korean men identified the average erect penis length to be 13.53 cm (5.33 in).[18] A study of 115 men from Nigeria found that the average flaccid stretched penis length of Nigerian males is 13.37 cm (5.26 inches) long, which is near identical to the worldwide average, stretched flaccid penis length of 13.24 cm (5.21 inches) and average erect penis length of 13.12 cm (5.17 inches).[33] A 2015 systematic review of 15,521 men found "no indications of differences in racial variability", and stated that it was not possible to draw any conclusions about size and race from the available literature and that further research needed to be conducted.[1]
According to Aaron Spitz, a urologist, many websites and studies promoting variation of penis size between races use unscientific methods of collecting information and often ignore contradictory evidence. He concludes that "when you really take a good look at the naked data, there’s not a whole lot there [showing racial variation in penis size]."[34]
In a small study conducted by University of Texas–Pan American and published in BMC Women's Health, 50 undergraduate women were surveyed by two popular male athletes on campus about their perceptions of sexual satisfaction and it was concluded that the width of a penis feels better than the length of a penis, when subjects are asked to choose between the two (size was left unspecified). It was also concluded that this may show that penis size overall affects sexual satisfaction since women chose between the two options they were given.[35]
In a cover story by Psychology Today,[36][37] 1,500 readers (about two-thirds women) were surveyed about male body image. Many of the women were not particularly concerned with penis size, and over 71% thought men overemphasized the importance of penis size and shape. Generally, the women polled cared more about width than men thought, and less about length than men thought, although the strength of caring for either among women showed a similar pattern.
Another study, conducted at Groningen University Hospital, asked 375 sexually active women (who had recently given birth) the importance of penis size the results of which showed that 21% of women felt length was important and 32% felt that girth was important.[38]
Nevertheless, the most sensitive erogenous zones in women are the vulva, the clitoris including the G-spot, which does not require deep penetration to touch.[39][40]
A study conducted at the Australian National University, published in early 2013, showed that penis size influences a man's sex appeal, and the taller the man, the bigger the effect.[41] The study showed 3D computer generated images at life-size, altering the height and other physical attributes, with women typically registering preferences in under 3 seconds. A preference for taller men's larger penis size was notable.
A U.S. study published in 2015 of the stated preferences of a panel of 75 women using 3D-printed models as scale references showed a preferred penis length of 16 cm (6.3 inches) and a preferred circumference of 12.2 cm for long-term sexual partners, with slightly larger preferred sizes of a length of 16.3 cm (6.4 inches) and circumference of 12.7 cm for one-time sexual encounters.[42]
According to studies, when asked to estimate the length of their partners penis, most would say a size significantly smaller than what their partner was recorded to be. Suggesting that perception of size is not entirely accurate. [42]
One Australian study of 184 men looked at penis length and circumference in relationship to condom breakage or slippage. 3,658 condoms were used. The study found that when used correctly, condoms had a breakage rate of 1.34% and a slippage rate of 2.05%, for a total failure rate of 3.39%. Penile dimensions did not influence slippage, although penis circumference and broken condoms were strongly correlated, with larger sizes increasing the rate of breakage.[43]
Androgens like testosterone are responsible for penis enlargement and elongation during puberty.[44] Penis size is positively correlated with increasing testosterone levels during puberty.[45] But after puberty, administration of testosterone does not affect penis size, and androgen deficiency in adult men only results in a small decrease in size.[45] Growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) are also involved in penis size, with deficiency (such as that observed in growth hormone deficiency or Laron syndrome) at critical developmental stages having the potential to result in micropenis.[46]
There are certain genes, like homeobox (Hox a and d) genes, which may have a role in regulating penis size. In humans, the AR gene, located on the X chromosome at Xq11-12, may affect penis size. The SRY gene located on the Y chromosome may have a role to play. Variance in size can often be attributed to de novo mutations. Deficiency of pituitary growth hormone or gonadotropins or mild degrees of androgen insensitivity can cause small penis size in males and can be addressed with growth hormone or testosterone treatment in early childhood.
An adult penis with an erect length of less than 7 cm or 2.76 inches but otherwise formed normally is referred to in a medical context as having the micropenis condition.[47] The condition affects 0.6% of men.[7] Some of the identifiable causes are deficiency of pituitary growth hormone or gonadotropins, mild degrees of androgen insensitivity, a variety of genetic syndromes and variations in certain homeobox genes. Some types of micropenis can be addressed with growth hormone or testosterone treatment in early childhood. Operations are also available to increase penis size in cases of micropenis in adults.[48]
It has been suggested that differences in penis size between individuals are caused not only by genetics, but also by environmental factors such as culture, diet and chemical or pollution exposure.[49][50][51][52] Endocrine disruption resulting from chemical exposure has been linked to genital deformation in both sexes (among many other problems). Chemicals from both synthetic (e.g., pesticides, anti-bacterial triclosan, plasticizers for plastics) and natural (e.g., chemicals found in tea tree oil and lavender oil)[53][54] sources have been linked to various degrees of endocrine disruption.
Both PCBs and the plasticizer DEHP have been associated with smaller penis size.[55] DEHP metabolites measured from the urine of pregnant women have been significantly associated with the decreased penis width, shorter anogenital distance and the incomplete descent of testicles of their newborn sons, replicating effects identified in animals.[56] According to a 2008 study published by the US National Library of Medicine, approximately 25% of US women have phthalate levels similar to those observed in animals.[56]
A 2007 study by the University of Ankara, Faculty of Medicine found that penile size may decrease as a result of some hormonal therapy combined with external beam radiation therapy.[57] In addition, some estrogen-based fertility drugs like diethylstilbestrol (DES) have been linked to genital abnormalities or a smaller than normal penis (microphallus).[58]
A 2016 Korean study found that newborn male circumcision is associated with shorter penile length.[18]
Perceptions of penis size are culture-specific.[59] Some prehistoric sculptures and petroglyphs depict male figures with exaggerated erect penises.[60] Ancient Egyptian cultural and artistic conventions generally prevented large penises from being shown in art, as they were considered obscene,[61] but the scruffy, balding male figures in the Turin Erotic Papyrus are shown with exaggeratedly large genitals.[61][62] The
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