Nowhere Man 720p

Nowhere Man 720p


Nowhere Man 720p

Bruce Greenwood stars as documentary photographer Thomas Veil who, in the course of one evening, seemingly has his whole existence erased, in the compelling one-hour drama Nowhere Man. It appears as if some mysterious and powerful entity has coerced Veil's family and friends into cooperating in a clandestine plan to annul every trace of him. Veil is all alone with no option but to begin a desperate, dangerous quest to find out how and why this has happened and most importantly, who is behind this torturous scheme.
I didn't find out about this series until it was halfway through so I didn't get to watch all of the episodes unfortunately. I even missed the final episode!! =( Those I watched were truly amazing. Only other cinematic event which has pleased me as much as Nowhere Man is the movie Memento. I'm really hoping for a rerun or a DVD release.
Perhaps I would have liked this show if I&#39;d watched it in the &#39;90s, when there were less quality TV series.<br/><br/>Certainly it started well. The first scene of the first episode, directed by Tobe Hooper, is really striking. And the whole mystery is built up nicely.<br/><br/>But by the end of that first episode I&#39;d already lost interest. The protagonist is bland - his only emotion seems to be frustration - and the interesting characters were one-shot guests. And - and this perhaps would have been less of an issue in the &#39;90s - I feel like I&#39;ve seen too many of this paranoia mystery series and that this one is weak compared both to earlier ones like The Prisoner and later ones like Wayward Pines. <br/><br/>I was curious enough to read a plot synopsis for the series and then watch the final episode. I feel you could probably cobble a nice little movie out of the series. But my lack of interest in or real empathy for the main character and the slow pace means the two episodes I&#39;ve seen are all I need.


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